Study of the summer peak line 3k 4k
Last summer, a tram ran at peak hours for the first time on a combined tram 3/tram 4 route. This peak line will run again this coming summer. At HTM, we would like to know how we can draw attention to this service better or differently this year.
Because we think it is important to involve passengers in improving our services, we asked the HTM Panel. In the end, 735 usefully completed questionnaires were returned to us. A great result! Of the respondents, 65% did not know about the summer peak line that ran last year. Additionally, a majority of the people who answered wanted the summer peak line to get its own number. Most of them preferred the number 34 for it. This coming summer, HTM will therefore introduce the peak tram number 34 and we will give it its own timetable, so that passengers can easily identify it.